Chronic Pain

Is There Real Help For Your Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain is epidemic in our society today. It's estimated that more than 100 million people in America have Chronic pain, and that the cost of treatment and lost productivity is around $635 billion each year.

If you're suffering with Chronic pain you are definitely not alone. However, there is a way out of the nightmare…REAL help! To get on this path you need to understand why it is the medical community hasn't been able to help you. The irony is that the medical community is actually pretty well equipped to deal with acute pain and, with continual medical advancements, becomes more adept all the time. It's truly amazing what traditional medicine can do these days, and yet as the medical community becomes more and more proficient in so many things, the incidence of Chronic pain is increasing.

So why is that?

The reason lies in the difference between chronic (long-term) and acute (short-term) pain - they can actually be entirely different animals. Most people understand that pain is a very useful and necessary part of life. Its purpose is to tell us when something is wrong with our body or system. Without it, we would quite literally destroy our marvelous bodies.

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When pain becomes chronic however, the nature and reason for the pain has often changed from a signal that something is anatomically or systemically wrong and needs attention, to something entirely different. Usually, by the time pain becomes chronic, the trauma or other issue that initiated the pain has been resolved to the bodies best ability, and there is really no more useful anatomical reason for the pain signal to continue. For example, why would an old injury suddenly begin hurting again years after it's healed? And what possible anatomical purpose does phantom-pain serve in the right foot of a person who doesn't even have a right leg? Unfortunately, the medical community treats chronic pain in the same manner as acute pain; looking for that anatomical basis when, in fact, the cause may be something entirely different. Back surgery has such dismal long-term success rates for the exact same reason.

That's not to say, however, that there are no legitimate identifiable causes for your chronic pain. The fact is there are, and with our whole-system approach we can help you identify them. You really can't treat something effectively if you're only treating symptoms and haven't identified the underlying cause, and you’ve got to look in the right place to begin that analysis.

At the Better Life Institute, we know where to look.

The Chronic Pain Dilemma: “I know Pain medicine is not a good long-term solution, but I can't function with out it!”

In so many cases people are trapped in this seemingly impossible situation with little hope of change or rescue. You have pain that makes even the simple daily tasks difficult, not to mention the emotional and psychological weight of hurting all the time. It can be unbearable! If you haven't experienced the crushing weight of that daily battle on a long-term basis, you can't possibly understand how difficult it can be to cope; especially when your doctors have run out of ideas and don't know how to help you.

So how did you get here?

Your pain developed suddenly - possibly through some trauma - or gradually over time, and in an effort to get relief you went to see your doctor. Your doctor examined you and probably ordered x-rays, an MRI, CT scan, blood panel, and other tests to try and identify an underlying cause. However, it’s important to understand that clinical physiological testing is, by its nature, a measurement of symptoms or effects, and the root cause must then be inferred or interpreted by medical professionals. As competent as they are, they may or may not have found what they deemed a viable anatomical "reason" for the pain. Your empathetic doctor then prescribed some type of pain medicine to ease the symptoms. 

This initially helped some, but the pain continued.

In many cases, more invasive treatment may have been ordered. It might have included surgery of some kind. However, after treatment and/or surgery, the pain continued - or the treatment helped for a time, maybe even for years, but then the pain returned - and now it doesn’t seem to want to go away no matter what you do.


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The doctors continue to try and identify an underlying cause but eventually run out of ideas or determine that you have some "unsolvable" condition like fibromyalgia, or some genetic abnormality, or an old injury they can’t fix. At this point your doctor doesn’t really know what to tell you, but he's sympathetic, so he keeps prescribing medication to help ease the pain.

Over time, in order for the medicine to continue giving you any relief, he's had to keep increase the dosage, or give you increasingly stronger versions of the drug. Ultimately you’ve arrived at the limit of the amount the doctor can or will prescribe; he's frustrated and has no good long-term answers, and you're frustrated because the pain continues.

Now, in addition to the pain, you have all of the other consequences and side effects that come with long-term narcotic use. And, by now, you've been relegated to living your life around the next dose of meds; because of the increased pain and dreaded feelings of withdrawal that begin to rear their ugly head any time you go too long between pills…and still the pain continues.

Sound Familiar? Unfortunately, this describes the lives of millions Americans, and the numbers are growing.

The good news is there IS a way out of this awful scenario. You can get well! You can get off the narcotics forever, and you can reduce or even eliminate your pain completely, no matter how long ago or what the original trauma or cause was.

Hard to believe? We know, but people in this situation - thousands of them - are getting their lives back through a more complete approach to healing chronic pain. The Better Life Institute specializes in this advanced whole-body treatment.

There is hope! You can get your life back!

Call us Now and We'll Show You How!